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Application of Interference-based Non-invasive Techniques on Multiphase Flow Diagnostics



活动时间:2021年4月26日 19:00




Our research in the experimental and applied fluid dynamics Laboratory at Purdue University will be briefly reviewed first. The recent effort on developing non-invasive field measurement as a flow diagnostics tool for studying multiphase flow will be introduced in detail. Quantitative application of digital in-line holography (DIH) is applied to record sequential holograms of the breakup of an ethanol droplet in an aerodynamic flow field. Various stages of the breakup process are recorded, including deformation, bag growth, bag breakup, and rim breakup. A recently proposed hybrid method is applied to extract the three-dimensional (3D) location and size of secondary droplets as well as the 3D morphology of the rim. Particle matching between sequential frames is used to determine the velocity. Coincidence with the results obtained from phase Doppler anemometry (PDA) measurement demonstrates the accuracy of measurement by DIH and the hybrid method. This tool contributes to characterize the complex multiphase structures and develop accurate models to describe the underlying physics, which represents a key challenge for high-fidelity CFD-based design tools. Also presented is a novel technique for measuring the thickness distribution of a dynamic liquid sheet spanned by two impinging jets and a study of the dynamic process when a liquid drop impacts a liquid film.



陈军教授毕业于北京航空航天大学,2005年获美国Johns Hopkins University (约翰-霍普金斯大学)机械工程博士学位。2005年至2008年在Los Alamos National Laboratory (洛斯-阿拉姆斯国家实验室)从事博士后研究。自2008年起在美国普度大学机械工程学院任教,现负责实验流体力学及应用流体力学实验室的科研及教学工作,一直担任普度大学机械工程学院本科生及研究生基础流体力学课程、实验流体力学、边界层理论、湍流理论、工程光学、及各类机械工程课程的授课,其研究方向涉及先进测量技术开发、非定常流体力学及湍流模型实验研究、及应用流体力学研究等,其研究成果曾获颁期刊Measurement Science and Technology的2005优秀流体力学论文奖(OUTSTANDING FLUID MECHANICS PAPER AWARD)和美国机械工程师协会2014年度ROBERT T. KNAPP AWARD。2020年晋升为美国机械工程师协会理事(ASME Fellow)。