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学术讲座-Development of Pb-free multiferroic crystals/thin films and domain switch by multi-field in multiferroic thin films using Scanning Probe Microscope
作者:     供图:     供图:     日期:2021-09-06     来源:    

讲座主题:Development of Pb-free multiferroic crystals/thin films and domain switch by multi-field in multiferroic thin films using Scanning Probe Microscope

主讲人: 木村秀夫


活动时间:2021年9月10日 10:30-11:30




Multiferroic materials are possessed ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, and/or ferroelastic properties. The coupling between these properties enables dynamic manipulation, which is promising for broad applications in sensing, actuation, memory, etc. Numerous studies are carried out to investigate the coupling, especially the coupling between electric and magnetic orderings that would account for the magnetoelectric effect in multiferroic materials, due to fundamental physics and application potential in multiply controlled devices. It is succeeded switching of both ferroelectric and magnetic domains on Bi5Ti3FeO15 thin films applying electrical field using Scanning Probe Microscope. Here, Bi5Ti3FeO15 thin film is deposited on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si substrates using pulsed laser deposition. XRD, SEM and TEM results of the film show good crystalline property. Piezoresponse Force Microscope image and Magnetic Force Microscope image also show both ferroelectric and magnetic domain switching pattern which is written by not only electric field but also mechanical force in our study. The results confirmed the existence of room temperature coupling in Bi5Ti3FeO15, which is potentially useful for the computing applications.


木村秀夫,男,99精品视频在线观看教授,长期从事功能晶体和薄膜材料的研究工作。曾担任日本国立材料研究所环境能源材料部门磁电晶体课题组组长,并长期担任日本学术振兴会晶体生长分野理事、日本电子技术材料学会理事等。研究课题涉及铁电多铁存储、能量采集、抗辐照涂层等应用领域。作为项目负责人承担了日本文部省的GRENE计划,作为首席研究员领导了能量采集的压电材料(Piezoelectric Materials for Energy Harvesting)项目的研究工作,主持了无铅压电能量采集材料及高频换能器的研发。加入国际空间特种材料研发团队,主持了抗高温抗辐照涂层材料的研究工作。近年来研究重心集中在多铁性、磁阻挫、二维超导等多功能材料的研发上,在Adv. Mater., Nano Lett., NPG Asia Mater., Nano Energy等期刊发表论文200余篇。撰写相关学术专著10部,授权国际专利26项。长期担任长崎大学,真空理工,DEO研究所公司科技顾问。