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三元名家论坛:Piecewise ensemble averaging stochastic Liouville equations for simulating non-Markovian quantum dynamics
作者:     供图:     供图:     日期:2022-08-25     来源:    

讲座主题:Piecewise ensemble averaging stochastic Liouville equations for simulating non-Markovian quantum dynamics







The stochastic scheme is a fruitful tool for simulating the challenging non-Markovian quantum dynamics. Its performance at long time, however, degrades due to the intrinsic fast increase in the variance of the quantum Brownian motion. This talk presents the recent progress on developing the stochastic Liouville equations with piecewise stationary noises. Starting from a conventional stochastic scheme, we can always decompose the involved noises into two parts: the principal part assuming piecewise correlations and the auxiliary part recovering the full correlation. A partial stochastic average over the auxiliary noises yields a stochastic Liouville equation that only involves noises with piecewise correlations and can hence be averaged separatedly for different time intervals. Meanwhile the dissipative influence of the auxiliary noises is rigorously incorporated with integrals over the functional derivatives with respect to the principal noises. The working equation now assumes a similar structure to the non-Markovian quantum state diffusion. Thanks to the noise disentanglement in different time intervals, we can perform piecewise ensemble average and serve the average of the preceding interval as the initial condition of the subsequent propagation. This strategy avoids the long-time stochastic average and the corresponding statistical errors will be saturated at long times. This talk will give numerical results for the spontaneous decay of two-state atoms and the spin-boson model and shows that the suggested method enables us to simulate the long-time quantum dissipative dynamics with long memories in the non-perturbative regime.

