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三元名家论坛-Migdal effect in semiconductor detectors
作者:     供图:     供图:     日期:2022-09-30     来源:    

讲座主题:Migdal effect in semiconductor detectors



讲座时间:2022年9月30日 10:00-11:30




As the sensitivities of various conventional dark matter detectors approach the“neutrinofloor”, physicists begin to shift their focus to even lighter dark matter candidates (in sub-GeV mass regime). Theoretically, the Migdal effect induced by the dark matter inside the detector offers a new avenue for detecting dark matter particles in the sub-GeV mass range. While there has existed a well-established framework to describe the Migdal effect in isolated atoms, a satisfactory treatment of the Migdal effect in semiconductors has not yet been established. Our recent efforts have made some progress in two aspects: (1) to establish a complete theoretical framework for the Migdal effect in solids, covering from the low- to the high- energy regime; (2) to accordingly establish a reliable computation method based on well- established first-principles computational tools. These works are not only theoretically motivated, but also will pave the way for better utilizing the Migdal effect in semiconductor targets for the dark matter detection.


梁正良博士,北京化工大学数理学院讲师。2006年毕业于南京大学,2009年在 山西大学取得硕士学位,2014年在中科院理论物理所取得博士学位。先后与中科院 高能物理所与北京应用物理与计算数学所从事博士后研究。近年来研究兴趣主要集 中在暗物质粒子探测的相关理论问题。