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学术预告-The Generalized Abelian and Non-Abelian Gauge Theories and their Particle Physics Applications
作者:     日期:2018-10-22     来源:    

讲座主题:The Generalized Abelian and Non-Abelian Gauge Theories and their Particle Physics Applications



讲座时间:2018-10-22 15:00




Gauge theory is the foundation of the particle physics Standard Model (SM). Considering the multiple gauge sectors for one gauge transformation, we study the generalized Abelian and non-Abelian (Yang-Mills theory) gauge theories. We first point out that the U(1) gauge theory has a few unique properties, which provide the motivations for the generalized Yang-Mills theory. Also, we consider the generalized Abelian gauge theory, and study the Higgs mechanism with new interesting properties. In addition, we propose the simple and generic generalizations of Yang-Mills theory. In the simple generalization, we realize two specific properties in the Abelian gauge theory. For applications in particle physics, we propose the invisible axion model with TeV-scale Peceei-Quinn symmetry breaking. We can solve the strong CP problem, and obtain the effective decay constant around the intermediate scale. Moreover, we study the SM electroweak symmetry breaking induced from the symmetry breaking in the other gauge Sector. In particular, we can easily obtain the strong first order electroweak phase transition in the SM, which is important for electroweak baryogenesis and gravitational wave.


李田军,1991年7月于武汉大学物理系获学士学位。1994年7月,于中国科学院理论物理研究所获硕士学位。2000年8月,于威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校物理系获博士学位。2000年9月至2002年8月,在宾西法尼亚大学物理天文系做博士后。2002年9月至2005年8月,在普林斯顿高等研究院做研究人员。2005年10月任中国科学院理论物理研究所研究员。发表文章200余篇,引用次数6000余次。曾获得J. Van Vleck Fellowship,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校;普林斯顿高等研究院Fellowship等。