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作者:     日期:2019-04-16     来源:    


主讲人:Cheng Zhenxiang

工作单位:澳大利亚卧龙岗大学University of Wollongong





Ferroic materials include ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, and ferroelastic materials. Some materials even show the combination of two or more of ferroic properties, which make them multiferroic. Ferroic material have interesting physical properties and have realized very broad applications in information storage, sensors and transducers. Here I will demonstrate our recent progress of this class of materials’ application, which includes 1. Design of novel single phase of multiferroic materials 2. Magnetoelectric coupling at the interface 3. Multifield coupling in mutiferroic materials, piezoelectric materials 4. Multiferoic coupling in magnetic materials 5. Ferroic materials application in energy storage and harvesting.


Z. X. Cheng received B.S. in Physics in 1995, a M.S. in solid state physics in 1998 and a PhD in material science in 2001, from the Department of Physics and the State Key Lab. of Crystal Materials, Shandong University. Then he worked in the Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials (ISEM) at University of Wollongong (2002-2003), as a JSPS (Japanese Society for Promotion of Science) fellow at National Institute for Material Science (NIMS, Japan) (2003-2005), as a research fellows in ISEM of UOW (2005-2009). He was A Future Fellowship ( 2009-2013), Associate Professor since 2011-2016,and Prof. since 2017 .

Cheng has published more than 3500 SCI journal papers in the field of applied physics with more than 5200 citations. More than 100 papers appear on the prestigious journals, like Science, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters (PRL), Nano Energy, Nano Letters, J. American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie, Applied Physics Review, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Phys. Rev. B (PRB), Applied Physics Letters (APL), and Chemistry Communication. He has more than 40 invited talks on international conferences, workshops and universities. He is the editor board member of Scientific Report (Nature Publisher), NIMS Research Advisor (Japan) and guest editor of Journal Crystal growth. His research currently is mainly in the field of ferroic materials and physics, and their applications in various fields, inducing sensor, and information storage and energy conversion.