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学术预告-Distributed localization and control for swarm robots
作者:     日期:2019-06-07     来源:    

讲座主题:Distributed localization and control for swarm robots

主讲人: 林志赟






In many applications, a network of multiple autonomous agents holds eminent promises to achieve a level of performance, capability, robustness, and efficiency beyond what a single agent can provide. However, to be advantageous, multiple agents have to work in an organized manner. Basic requirements include localizing the agents in the world coordinate system, achieving certain desired formation shape, etc. This talk is going to present several results regarding distributed localization and formation control. Its aim is to provide a unified framework for both distributed localization and formation control in terms of graph Laplacian. Graph connectedness will be discussed to ensure solvability of these problems, followed by distributed algorithms, for which global convergence is assured.


Prof. Zhiyun LIN received his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Toronto, Canada, 2005. He is currently a Professor in the School of Automation, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China. Preceding to this position, he held a professor position at Zhejiang University, China, from 2007 to 2016, and a postdoctoral fellow position at the University of Toronto, Canada, from 2005 to 2007. He held visiting professor positions at several universities including The Australian National University (Australia), University of Cagliari (Italy), University of Newcastle (Australia), University of Technology Sydney (Australia), and Yale University (USA). His research interests focus on autonomous systems and robots, distributed control, estimation and optimization, cooperative control of multi-agent systems, hybrid control system theory, etc. He has authored and coauthored one monograph and more than 180 peer-reviewed papers in leading international journals and conferences. According to Google Scholar, his work has been cited over 5000 times. He has been consecutively selected in the list of Most Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier from 2014 to 2018. He is currently Associate Editor for IEEE Control Systems Letters, Hybrid systems: Nonlinear Analysis, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networking, etc.