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学术预告-Optimization of Heat Transfer Design in Convective Flow Boiling Phenomena:A case of Critical Heat Flux in Round Tubes
作者:     日期:2019-06-13     来源:    

讲座主题:Optimization of Heat Transfer Design in Convective Flow Boiling Phenomena:A case of Critical Heat Flux in Round Tubes

专家姓名: William Jaewoo Shim (沈載祐)

工作单位: Dankook University





An optimization of heat transfer design problem is presented in the realm of convective boiling phenomena. In the world of heat transfer design problems it now quite well-known that CHF (Critical Heat Flux) is the most efficient and critical heat transfer condition that designers seek. This study shows a method of predicting CHF (Critical Heat Flux) in vertical round tubes that have both uniform and cosine or non-uniform heat flux distributions. Initially a uniform correlation, based on local condition hypothesis, was developed from 9,366 CHF data points of uniform heat flux of water flowing in vertical upward tubes. The CHF database collected from 13 different sources had the following wide parameter ranges: 1.01主讲人介绍:

William Jaewoo Shim (沈載祐), professor, associate vice president of international affairs office and professor at the department of chemical engineering in Dankook University, technical advisor at defense technology and quality department in Korea, University rules and regulations committee–member (2008–2011, 2017-Present), University management committee–member (2008–2011, 2017-Present) and visiting professor at department of chemical & biochemical engineering in Rutgers.

Journal Publication:

H.W. Chung and W.J. Shim, Calculation of Boil-off Gas (BOG) Generation of KC-1 Membrane LNG Tank with High Density Rigid Polyurethane Form by Numerical Analysis, Polish Maritime Research, Vol. 24, no.1, 2017

W.J. Shim et al., A Study of Automatic Control of Microbrewery System, Journal of Advanced Science & Technology, Vol. 4, no. 1, 2008

W.J. Shim et al., Analysis of CHF in Uniformly Heated Vertical Tubes for R-113, Journal of Advanced Science & Technology, Vol. 4, no. 1, 2008

W.J. Shim and J.Y. Park, Prediction of CHF in Vertical Round Tubes with Uniform Heat Flux for Water, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 12, no.1, 2006