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学术报告-Cooperative Control Theory and Applications of Multiple Flight Vehicles Systems
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讲座主题:Cooperative Control Theory and Applications of Multiple Flight Vehicles Systems

主讲人: 王佳楠



讲座地点:腾讯会议会议ID:106 694 910



The first two decades of 21st century was filled with cooperative concepts. Particularly in the control community, cooperative control concerns about a class of distributed controls that allows each individual working together to perform a group behavior. This talk mainly summarized some of the speaker's previous results, which contains two parts: Cooperative control theory and applications. From the theoretical perspective, optimal and robust properties were further pursued beyond the cooperative level. The inverse optimal control framework as well as Negative-Imaginary systems theory were adopted respectively, to embed the properties of obstacle/collision avoidance and robustness to model uncertainties. In what follows, several applications carried out in various areas, such as flocking of multiple ground vehicles, formation control of multiple UAVs, output consensus of heterogeneous NI systems, Fair Utilization in power systems and salvo attack of multi-missile, etc. In the end, some indoor experimental results were illustrated to showcase the effectiveness of the proposed control laws.


王佳楠,1982年出生,工学博士,副教授,博士生导师。主要从事多飞行器系统协同探测、制导与控制方向研究,发表TAC、Automatica、JGCD、TAES等论文100多篇。主讲本科生全英文《多智能体协同控制》、研究生《线性系统分析》等课程,出版《多飞行器协同控制理论及应用》教材及<Cooperative Control of Multi-agent Systems: An optimal and Robust Perspective>专著;获国家自然基金青年、面上、重点项目、HJJ预研项目、JKW技术领域基金、湖南省重点研发计划等项目支持,入选北京理工大学优秀青年教师。任中国自动化学会无人飞行器自主控制专委会委员、中国自动化学会导航制导与控制专委会委员,北京理工大学学报英文版编委。